Switchboard Connect

Picking where to implement AI, Zapier's conference, and questions to ask when picking new software.

Every other week, I curate a few relevant pieces of AI & Automation content to help SMB execs, operators, and teams navigate these new waters.

Let’s dive in.

1. The AI Future Is Already Here, It’s Just Not Productized Yet

AI is here but it’s not all made the same.

The options of how to approach using it can be overwhelming. A16Z shared a great breakdown but here’s my take on what SMB leaders need to know when thinking about AI use cases in their business:

  • Automate the routine: Look for bottlenecks and pain points in your operations where employees perform repetitive, data-heavy tasks. Assess which repetitive roles in your organization could be automated to free up people for higher-value work.

  • Upgrade software: AI-powered vertical solutions are emerging for many other sectors. Evaluate your current software stack against new AI-native alternatives that could dramatically improve efficiency and accuracy. But be careful not to buy into the vendors over-pricing the hype.

  • Boost teams productivity: Horizontal AI tools can enhance performance across your entire workforce. Experiment with AI assistants for meeting notes, email drafting, and workflow automation to potentially unlock 20%+ productivity gains.

Have some ideas but not sure where to start? Feel free to reply to this email as I’m always happy to share insights and tips.

2. Questions to Ask When Picking New Software

This is a great set of questions to ask yourself when picking software.

We created a much more in-depth guide to picking software along with some a free workbook and templates you can use. Check it out here.

3. ZapConnect 2024 is Coming

Sharing something I think you'll love – ZapConnect 2024, Zapier’s big yearly virtual conference.

Why we’re excited about it:

  • Automation game-changers: Whether you're a Zapier pro or just AI-curious, there's often gold here. Sure, there’s big Zapier product announcements but more importantly: real-world case studies.

  • SMB-focused insights: They have 4 specialized tracks, including one "Operators" – expect practical tips on using automation without breaking the bank.

  • Hands-on & tactical: Not just theory – there's a whole track dedicated to building better Zaps. Perfect for levelling up your automation game.

It’s on September 26, 2024, from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. PT/12:00-5:30 p.m. ET. Grab your free spot here.

PS, let me know if you're going – always great to compare notes after these things!

📖 Post of the Week

Say no to more calls 😬 

Okay, that’s all for this week.

PS, If you missed it in the last newsletter, I joined StepChange’s podcast and shared how SMB teams can approach automation and walked through a specific use case of how teams can save a ton of time and improve employee onboarding & retention automation:

  • 🎥 Check out the full interview here.

  • 🔗 Freebie resource: Get the free Miro board to replicate this onboarding workflow here. Copy it, remix it, use it as you see fit.

Chat soon 👋

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